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Google Sheets Formula that finds employee with most hours worked for a specific location and shift (INDEX/MODE with multiple Criteria)

In Google Sheets, I need to find out which employee works more than 50% of the hours for a given shift at a given location based on timecard data (Table in col G:J). In the attached google sheet I need a formula in Column C that returns the name of the matching employee useing Column A & B for criteria, then column D and E should auto calcuate.

I was previously using an ArrayFormula with INDEX/IF/MODE/MATCH (example in cell C15) but that could only return the employee with the most shifts and was not able to differentiate by criteria.

Thanks in Advance!


  • delete everything in C2:D7 and use this in C2:

     "select Col1,Col2,count(Col1),sum(Col3) group by Col1,Col2"), 3, 0), {2, 4}, 0)))

    enter image description here