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How to prevent styled-components from stripping custom HTML attributes?

My project is trying to switch to styled-components, but there is one big issue: our automated QA tests rely on a custom attribute called qa-component appearing in the dom for each HTML element that it is defined for.

The old way we did this worked fine: <div style={ styles.cssModuleStyle } qa-component="big-area" /> would translate to the dom as <div class="whatever" qa-component="big-area" />.

However, when using styled components, the qa-component attribute gets stripped because SC thinks its a prop.

How can I get styled-components to pass this custom attribute to the dom?


  • What you're looking for is withConfig + shouldForwardProp. It allows you to define what props get passed down. Here's how you can implement the desired behavior:

    const StyledTitle = styled.h1.withConfig({
      shouldForwardProp: (prop, defaultValidatorFn) =>
        defaultValidatorFn(prop) || ['qa-attribute'].includes(prop),
      text-decoration: underline;

    Take a look at the docs here:

    And here's a playground with this approach: