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Better way of defining types for 'navigation' object, when using Stack Navigator in React Native

I'm having some trouble with modularization for the prop types, when using react-navigation.

My problem is: The React Navigation doc Typescript section suggests creating the types for each screen props like so:

export type RootStackParamList = {
  Home: undefined;
  Profile: { userId: string };
  Feed: { sort: 'latest' | 'top' } | undefined;

// Profile.tsx
import type { NativeStackScreenProps } from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
import type { RootStackParamList } from  './types';

type ProfileProps = NativeStackScreenProps<RootStackParamList, 'Profile'>;

So, basically, importing the NativeStackScreenProps type, and passing both the RootStackParamList, and the page name, as a string.

But if I had to define prop types for another page in the same Stack, e.g. the Home page, I would have to repeat the SAME two type imports, which is not ideal, as far as I know.

All that changes is the string ('Profile', 'Home', etc) passed into the type.

// Home.tsx
import type { NativeStackScreenProps } from '@react-navigation/native-stack';
import type { RootStackParamList } from './types';

type HomeProps = NativeStackScreenProps<RootStackParamList, 'Home'>;

I'm kind of a beginner with TS, so my question is: How can I create a generic type that could help me avoid using the same two imports on every page? Since the only thing changing between these two prop types is a string.


  • You can abstract RootStackParamList and put it in a separate file. and export a generic type like below:

    export type RootStackProps<T extends keyof RootStackParamList> =
      NativeStackScreenProps<RootStackParamList, T>;

    And use it like this:

    type HomeProps = RootStackProps<'Home'>;