pyodbc with driver "iSeries Access ODBC Driver" is returning binary output, Ex:
original data in the table: B06300
what it returns: b'\xc2\xf0\xf6\xf3\xf0\xf0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'
My code:
import pyodbc
connection = pyodbc.connect(
driver='{iSeries Access ODBC Driver}',
port = '****',
df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM schema_name.F4108")
I tried putting add_output_converter and encoder to connection but didn't work
I suspect the problem is that the data is defined on the server as CCSID 65535, which means to not translate the data.
Using the TRANSLATE=1 connection string keyword will cause the ODBC driver to translate the data using the current EBCDIC CCSID for the job. Other ODBC connection properties can be found here: