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wanting to know how to easily add sums from a checkbox

im extremely new to c# so im having a little difficulty with the following problem.

below is my following code

int access = 1;
int onlineVideos = 2;
int personalTrainer = 20;
int dietConsultation = 20;

int extras = 0;

if (checkBox1.Checked)
    extras += access;
else if (checkBox2.Checked)
    extras += onlineVideos;
else if (checkBox3.Checked)
    extras += personalTrainer;
else if (checkBox4.Checked)
    extras += dietConsultation;

textBox6.Text = extras.ToString();

i want to be able to easily add the sums of all the boxes that are checked, and then print them to a textbox.


  • According to your description, you don't need multiple if/else clauses, but only a method which sums all values of your check boxes whose state is checked. Something like this:

    foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
        if((c is CheckBox) && ((CheckBox) c).Checked)
            yourdecimal += Convert.ToDecimal(c.Text); 

    The exact method depends on your exact code, so it might be required to change the "this.Controls" as example. Or it might be necessary to add try/catch to prevent issues if there are non numeric values etc. This is just a way to do this. If you need further assistance, you should please add your source code.