I try to use the GetX framework in flutter for my project. but it shows the Error regarding RxString. whenever I try to use the Obx method to call the controller object inside a text widget or a other String parameter widget it shows the error
The argument type 'RxString' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String'
this is my controller class
var qrValue = "waiting".obs;
socket.on('event', (data)
var qr = data['final'];
qrValue.value = qr;
this want to pass the data to generate the qrcode
Obx(() => QrImage(
data: _controller.qrValue,
version: QrVersions.auto,
size: 200.0,
when i pass the qrvalue to the argument it show the error
The argument type 'RxString' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String'
You are passing directly the Rx to the data property of QrImage. You need to pass the value of the Rx:
data: _controller.qrValue.value,