I'm using GCP Cloud Vision to catalogue products. After i've created a product, i have to update it to add labels to the product.
If i upload products via a CSV bulk import, labels can be formatted in the CSV as "color=black,style=formal" or "color=black,style=formal,style=mens". However when adding them to a specific product outside of the bulk import via the API, the example in the documentation asks for key and value as variables.
How can i assign multiple lables (the docs say it is supported) into the product via this API?
I've tried adding them as a list in the following format but i'm getting an error:
GCP Example: def update_product_labels(product_id, key, value):
Attempt: update_product_labels('axel-arigato-1',['category', 'colour'], ['shoes', 'black'])
Error: TypeError: ['category', 'colour'] has type list, but expected one of: bytes, unicode
Using the sample code in the link you provided. It can be updated to create a list of KeyValue()
and then pass that to create your vision.Product()
object. See updated code below:
from google.cloud import vision
from google.protobuf import field_mask_pb2 as field_mask
def update_product_labels(
project_id, location, product_id, key, value):
"""Update the product labels.
project_id: Id of the project.
location: A compute region name.
product_id: Id of the product.
key: The key of the label.
value: The value of the label.
client = vision.ProductSearchClient()
# Get the name of the product.
product_path = client.product_path(
project=project_id, location=location, product=product_id)
# Set product name, product label and product display name.
# Multiple labels are also supported.
key_len = len(key)
value_len = len(value)
key_value = []
if key_len != value_len:
print("Please enter equal indices for key and value")
for n in range(key_len):
key_value.append(vision.Product.KeyValue(key=key[n], value=value[n]))
product = vision.Product(
# Updating only the product_labels field here.
update_mask = field_mask.FieldMask(paths=['product_labels'])
# This overwrites the product_labels.
updated_product = client.update_product(
product=product, update_mask=update_mask)
# Display the updated product information.
print('Product name: {}'.format(updated_product.name))
print('Updated product labels: {}'.format(product.product_labels))
project_id = "your-project-id",
location = "us-east1", #used this location for testing
product_id = "product_id0", #used this product_id for testing
key = ['category', 'colour'],
value = ['shoes', 'black'],
Sample run:
Check the product if it was really applied. I sent a GET at the endpoint below:
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \
Output when for get product:
NOTE: Updating the key value pair in this manner overwrites the previous data. So for example if you want to add a new key value pair, you should include the old data. When calling the function, your input should be key = ['category', 'colour','new_key'], value = ['shoes', 'black', 'new_value']