I have installed xilinx ISE 10.1, 13.2 and 14.7.My code synthesizes but PlanAhead not opening on windows 10 64-bit.I googled and find a solution of replacing rdiArgs.bat file present in bin folder.I did that but still unable to launch Xilinx PlanAhead.Kindly suggest me the possible way to overcome this.
PlanAhead will not open when you are running 64-bit Project Navigator (e.g. for I/O Pin Planning), it just displays the splash screen but never opens.
To fix it, we have to force PlanAhead to always run in 32-bit mode.
Open C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\PlanAhead\bin and rename rdiArgs.bat to rdiArgs.bat.orig
Download the zip file from here:
Extract it. You should now have a file named rdiArgs.bat Copy the new rdiArgs.bat file to C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\PlanAhead\bin