New to typescript and have been using it for 2 days now mainly to build a custom component for my streamlit app. I have created the below navigation bar and the custom component is a tab that can be clicked on the sidebar though it is behaving strangely. When I click on the component tab, sometimes it loads the corresponding page and at times it does not as demonstrated below:
I have a hunch it might be how I wrote the typescript code, perhaps the onClick
function. Is there a better way to do this so as to:
Typescript component
import {
} from "streamlit-component-lib"
import React, { ReactNode } from "react"
interface State {
navLabel: string|number
class MyComponent extends StreamlitComponentBase<State> {
public state = {navLabel: ""}
public render = (): ReactNode => {
const labelName = this.props.args["name"]
const iconName = this.props.args["iconName"]
const { theme } = this.props
const styles: React.CSSProperties = {}
return (
<div className="navtab" onClick={this.onClicked}>
<div className="content">
<input type="radio" name="indicator" id="input-data"/>
<div className="list">
<label htmlFor="input-data" className="input-data">
<span><i className="material-icons">{iconName}</i></span>
<span className="text-display">{labelName}</span>
private onClicked = (): void => {
prevState => ({navLabel: this.props.args["name"]}),
() => Streamlit.setComponentValue(this.state.navLabel)
Python execution code
import streamlit as st
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
def my_component(name, iconName, tabIndex, key=None):
component_value = _component_func(name=name, iconName=iconName, tabIndex=tabIndex, key=key, default='Option')
# We could modify the value returned from the component if we wanted.
# There's no need to do this in our simple example - but it's an option.
return component_value
with st.sidebar:
test = my_component(name='Dashboard', iconName='dashboard', tabIndex=1, key="1")
test_2 = my_component(name='Data Analysis', iconName='insights', tabIndex=2, key="2")
test_3 = my_component(name='Testing', iconName='business', tabIndex=3, key="3")
if test == 'Dashboard':
st.write('Name of option is {}'.format(test))
elif test_2 == 'Data Analysis':
st.title("Data Analysis")
st.write('Name of option is {}'.format(test_2))
elif test_3 == "Testing":
st.title("Third one")
I was able to sort this out using the li and ul element:
import {
} from "streamlit-component-lib"
import React, { ReactNode } from "react"
interface State {
label: string,
icon: string
class MyComponent extends StreamlitComponentBase<State> {
public render = (): ReactNode => {
const labelName:string[] = this.props.args["name"]
const iconName:string[] = this.props.args["iconName"]
let data:any[] = [];
iconName.forEach((v,i) =>
data= [, {"id":i+1, "label": labelName[i], "icon":v}]
this.state = {
const res ={id, icon, label}) => (
<li className="tab"
onClick={() => this.setState(
prevState => ({icon:icon, label:label}),
() => Streamlit.setComponentValue(label)
)}><i className="material-icons">{icon}</i><span className="labelName">{label}</span></li></span>
return (
<div className="navtab">
<ul className="tab-options">