var iconSize by remember { mutableStateOf(50.dp)}
var boxBorder by remember { mutableStateOf(1.dp)}
columns = GridCells.Fixed(3),
content = {
items(itemList){ item ->
var isSelected by remember { mutableStateOf(false)}
iconSize = 70.dp
boxBorder = 2.dp
iconSize = 50.dp
boxBorder = 1.dp
Box(modifier = Modifier
.clickable {isSelected = !isSelected}
modifier = Modifier
imageVector = Icons.Default.Settings,
contentDescription = null)
This is my view, i want to only select one of them. I don't want to multiple selection, i want to single selection.
How can i achieve this?
All remember
inside items
will be reset when the view of a particular item disappears from the screen while scrolling. You need to move it to the container level, then its lifecycle will be bound to LazyVerticalGrid
You can now store the selected item instead of a boolean value.
var selectedItem by remember { mutableStateOf<Item?>(null) }
columns = GridCells.Fixed(3),
content = {
items(itemList){ item ->
val isSelected = item == selectedItem
Modifier.clickable { selectedItem = item }
If your itemList
is modifiable, the most stable solution is to store the id of the selected item. If only item content can be changed and the order/number is stable, you can also use the index of the selected items.