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Flutter hive first load initial value problem

I have these errors and i don't know what's the problem, it's a newly created hive data and doesn't contain any value yet. I'm trying to load it and if value = null return defaultValue

here's the code for hive load :

hiveOperation() async {
  GlobalPosition globalPosition;
  await Hive.initFlutter();

  await Hive.openBox('box');
  globalPosition = box.get('globalPosition');
  lat = globalPosition.latitude;
  lon = globalPosition.longitude;

this is the hive constructor :

import 'package:hive/hive.dart';

part 'storage.g.dart';

@HiveType(typeId: 1)
class GlobalPosition {
  GlobalPosition({required this.latitude, required this.longitude});
  @HiveField(0, defaultValue: 1.0)
  double latitude;

  @HiveField(1, defaultValue: 1.0)
  double longitude;

The error when load is : [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'GlobalPosition'

I don't know how to fix it, please help me, Thank you!


  • You should use defaultValue in get method:

      globalPosition = box.get('globalPosition',defaultValue: GlobalPosition(latitude:1.0 ,longitude:1.0);