I encountered that I was able to run the Dockerfile below on my local device without any issues, but on Cloud Run it fails with the following error in the logs:
The Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM debian:stable-slim
RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y curl python3 python3-dev python3-venv build-essential \
libgmp3-dev && curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
ADD poetry.lock .
ADD pyproject.toml .
ADD main.py .
ENV PATH "/root/.local/bin:$PATH"
RUN poetry install -vvv
RUN poetry run echo $PATH
RUN poetry run which python
RUN poetry run which streamlit
CMD ["poetry", "run", "streamlit", "run", "main.py"]
I was expecting Docker to ensure the same execution environment locally and on Cloud Run.
In addition the echo $PATH / which python / which streamlit
commands return similar things locally and on Cloud Build.
Locally I get:
Step 10/13 : RUN poetry run echo $PATH
---> Running in 1e00651356b2
Removing intermediate container 1e00651356b2
---> bd9b9acd4152
Step 11/13 : RUN poetry run which python
---> Running in 58b5348154a1
Removing intermediate container 58b5348154a1
---> d3a8588626f0
Step 12/13 : RUN poetry run which streamlit
---> Running in 72ea21408e0c
Removing intermediate container 72ea21408e0c
---> 3f7fa5ded8ec
Step 13/13 : CMD ["poetry", "run", "streamlit", "run", "main.py"]
---> Running in ea06f67b0930
Removing intermediate container ea06f67b0930
---> ae2349318933
Successfully built ae2349318933
Successfully tagged esoapp:latest
In Cloud Build I see:
Step #0: INFO[0026] RUN poetry run echo $PATH
Step #0: INFO[0026] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
Step #0: INFO[0034] cmd: /bin/sh
Step #0: INFO[0034] args: [-c poetry run echo $PATH]
Step #0: INFO[0034] Running: [/bin/sh -c poetry run echo $PATH]
Step #0: /root/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
Step #0: INFO[0035] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
Step #0: INFO[0036] No files were changed, appending empty layer to config. No layer added to image.
Step #0: INFO[0036] RUN poetry run which python
Step #0: INFO[0036] cmd: /bin/sh
Step #0: INFO[0036] args: [-c poetry run which python]
Step #0: INFO[0036] Running: [/bin/sh -c poetry run which python]
Step #0: INFO[0036] Pushing layer gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache:88561d733a1fd5ca03e6481ff992723526198d61ba0abe93ab912eaa155da06a to cache now
Step #0: INFO[0036] Pushing image to gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache:88561d733a1fd5ca03e6481ff992723526198d61ba0abe93ab912eaa155da06a
Step #0: /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/eso-website-lKa0R1gD-py3.9/bin/python
Step #0: INFO[0037] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
Step #0: INFO[0038] No files were changed, appending empty layer to config. No layer added to image.
Step #0: INFO[0038] RUN poetry run which streamlit
Step #0: INFO[0038] cmd: /bin/sh
Step #0: INFO[0038] args: [-c poetry run which streamlit]
Step #0: INFO[0038] Running: [/bin/sh -c poetry run which streamlit]
Step #0: INFO[0038] Pushing layer gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache:498bfad933dca72234af0985b0ed384effed32958351e5727a4cbc56a2670d13 to cache now
Step #0: INFO[0038] Pushing image to gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache:498bfad933dca72234af0985b0ed384effed32958351e5727a4cbc56a2670d13
Step #0: INFO[0038] Pushed gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache@sha256:32f47b0699c392a7be4e8243545975348475956e35fd51347348168a07a714db
Step #0: /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/eso-website-lKa0R1gD-py3.9/bin/streamlit
Step #0: INFO[0038] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...
Step #0: INFO[0040] No files were changed, appending empty layer to config. No layer added to image.
Step #0: INFO[0040] CMD ["poetry", "run", "streamlit", "run", "main.py"]
Step #0: INFO[0040] No files changed in this command, skipping snapshotting.
Step #0: INFO[0040] Pushing layer gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache:7a16d1344c60a8740190534cfa44fed333547d60231720fcea3820ebd42ecf87 to cache now
Step #0: INFO[0040] Pushing image to gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache:7a16d1344c60a8740190534cfa44fed333547d60231720fcea3820ebd42ecf87
Step #0: INFO[0040] Pushed gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache@sha256:c4e57c77bd9dccfbbe3aca001bdf3fc26bccca20ed2879fc143a91ccdbee895a
Step #0: INFO[0041] Pushed gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app/cache@sha256:4198599d679af55fda0cf5cc8407bac0eb0ddb110e1e503a06663df9947523a6
Step #0: INFO[0041] Pushing image to gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app:0a1bd22ce692a52f231221778abea5561ac736e7
Step #0: INFO[0043] Pushed gcr.io/personal-313102/eso-app@sha256:72473a2099329f7a4fb2a5933c7d3c749906840b27967752d06c24ca3f71acc5
Finished Step #0
Starting Step #1
Any ideas on why the streamlit binary cannot be found in Cloud Run?
Digging further into this myself, I discovered that the home directory was confused in Cloud Run.
This is apparently a known issue -> https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/issues#home
It was solved by changing the CMD command in the Dockerfile to
CMD HOME=/root poetry run streamlit run main.py