im trying to create bash script to install split APKs manually with adb shell that requires to get session id using the command bellow
SESSION='pm install-create -S 42211368'
this will output something like : Success: created install session [547376362]
547376362 will be the session ID
I want to pass 547376362 into SESSION Variable
sh < pm install-write -S 24628703 ${SESSION} 0 /sdcard/YTAPKM/base.apk
so result shall be "sh < pm install-write -S 24628703 547376362 0 /sdcard/YTAPKM/base.apk"
is sufficient for this.
SESSION=$(pm install-create -S 42211368 | grep -oE '[0-9]+')
sh < pm install-write -S 24628703 ${SESSION} 0 /sdcard/YTAPKM/base.apk
To explain what's happening a bit:
grep -E
uses "extended" regular expressions (easier to work with)grep -o
outputs only the matching part, the integer in this caseSESSION=$(some_cmd)
stores the stdout from some_cmd
to the variable SESSION
, and allows for pipes and such too