Is there a way to provide .runtimeconfig.json location though a command line? Can't find any info on that.
Something like below?
firebase emulators:start --runtimeconfig ./path/to/.runtimeconfig-prod.json
I have two runtimeconfig.json: one for development and another for production and I'm looking for an easy way to switch emulator environment.
Note: my dev and prod applications are stored under two separate firebase projects.
As lilalinux said, you can set CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG
with the path of your config file.
This is how I did it.
I created configurations for two environments (staging
and prod
) inside functions/emulator-tests/config
This is part of my project structure.
.runtimeconfig.staging.json // config for staging env // config for prod env
.runtimeconfig.json // default config I had
I installed cross-env and added two scripts in package.json
"scripts": {
"emulate-staging": "cross-env CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG=./emulator- tests/config/.runtimeconfig.staging.json firebase emulators:start",
"emulate-prod": "cross-env CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG=./emulator-tests/config/ firebase emulators:start"
Then, from inside the functions
folder I can emulate using any of those two environment configurations by running the respective script: npm run emulate-staging
or npm run emulate-prod