Search code examples

Update Component after post new item to the Database

I am playing around with Sveltekit and I am struggling a bit..

So my problem is, when I add something to the DB it works, but the new Item does not show in the list until i Refresh the page. My Code looks like:


import { connectToDatabase } from '$lib/db';

export const post = async ({ request}) => {

    const body = await request.json()

    const dbConnection = await connectToDatabase();
    const db = dbConnection.db;
    const einkaufszettel = db.collection('Einkaufszettel')

    await einkaufszettel.insertOne({
        name: body.newArticle

    const einkaufsliste = await einkaufszettel.find().toArray();

    return {
        status: 200,
        body: {


export const get = async () => {

    const dbConnection = await connectToDatabase();
    const db = dbConnection.db;
    const einkaufszettel = db.collection('Einkaufszettel')
    const einkaufsliste = await einkaufszettel.find().toArray();


    return {
        status: 200,
        body: {


and the Script of index.svelte

    import Title from '$lib/title.svelte'
    export let einkaufsliste = []
    let newArticle = ''

    const addArticle = async () => {

        const res = await fetch('/', {
            method: 'POST',
            body: JSON.stringify({
            headers: {
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'


    async function fetchArticles() {
        const res = await fetch('/')


In the Network Preview Tab the new Item is already added to the List.


  • As you can read here, you need to reassign the einkaufsliste after fetching the list of elements from the API.

    You can do this in your fetchArticles method, like this:

    async function fetchArticles() {
      einkaufsliste = await fetch('/')