According to Processing's documentation, you can append an array of objects the same way, as you append any other array. I'm doing exactly that, but I get an error:
cannot convert from Object to sketch_220416a.planet[]
Here is a minimal, reproducible example:
planet[] PLANETS = new planet[1];
void setup() {
PLANETS[0] = new planet(100, 10, 10);
planet tb = new planet(200,3,1);
PLANETS = append(PLANETS, tb);
size(800, 800);
class planet{
planet(float r, float x, float y)
/*Some code*/
From the docs page you linked in your question:
When using an array of objects, the data returned from the function must be cast to the object array's data type. For example: SomeClass[] items = (SomeClass[]) append(originalArray, element).
In your example that would look like this:
PLANETS = (planet[]) append(PLANETS, tb);
The (planet[])
part is just telling Processing to cast the element returned from append
as an array of planet