I am making a Roblox game and I want it to have a stopwatch. The stopwatch works, but it counts very slowly for some reason.
Here's my ScreenGui in StarterGui:
Here's the code inside the LocalScript:
local timer = script.Parent.Timer
local tms = 00
local ts = 00
local tm = 00
local tt
local tts
local y = 0
local whichtower = game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("WhichTower")
while true do
if whichtower.Value == "" then
tms = 00
ts = 00
tm = 00
tts = 0
tms = tms + 1
if tms == 100 then
ts = ts + 1
tms = 0
tts = tts + 1
if ts == 60 then
tm = tm + 1
ts = 0
tt = tostring(tm)..":"..tostring(ts)..":"..tostring(tms)
timer.Text = tt
game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("Time").Value = tt
I have figured it out using a different set of code. Roblox limits the wait parameters to a minimum of 0.3 seconds, so that is why my previous code was not working.
If you are looking at this, use task.wait(time)