I am trying to write an if statement that basically checks if the users referrer is in a list of allowed referrers and if not fails.
I have two variables controlling this $this->allowAllReferer
and $this->allowEmptyReferer
, which as per their name decide whether every referrer should be allowed access and whether empty referrers are allowed, respectively. As well as $this->allowedReferers
which is an array of allowed referrers.
I have this function below which I am pretty sure isn't working properly but I have been staring at and tweaking it for half an hour and i've got to the point where I can't tell if it's working or not.
//If the referee is empty and allow empty referrer is false
//If it is not in the allowed list and allow all referer is false
if(!(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && $this->allowEmptyReferer)
!(!$this->allowAllReferer && in_array(
strtolower(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? null : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']), //Silly php access null variable
)) {
throw new sfException("Internal server error. Please contact system administrator. File download disabled.");
Do you know the correct or a better way to do this/can you confirm the above works?
Cases, hope this makes it more clear
empty_referrer | allowEmpty | in_array | allReferer | result
true | true | false | false | false - no error - empty allowed
false | true | false | false | true - error - not in array
false | true | false | true | false - no error - not in array but allowed
false | false | false | false | true - error - empty and now allowed
If you would like to keep the logic within one huge if block, then try the following:
if (
// throw an error if it's empty and it's not allowed to be
(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !$this->allowEmptyReferer)
|| (
// don't bother throwing an error if all are allowed or empty is allowed
(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !$this->allowAllReferer)
// throw an error if it's not in the array
&& !in_array((empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? null : strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])), $this->allowedReferers)
throw new sfException("Internal server error. Please contact system administrator. File download disabled.");
The second check for empty will now skip the in_array if it's empty.