my angular app use the history route path
when this route on open localhost/blog/article/123456
, httpclient get some markdown content data and render
the markdown content
- [one](#one)
- [two](#two)
# one
some thing
# two
some thing
render html
<a herf="#one">one</a>
<a herf="#two">two</a>
<h1 id="one">one</h1>
<p>some thing</p>
<h1 id="two">one</h1>
<p>some thing</p>
but click the a tag redirect to root path
how to scroll to the fragment when clicking on a tag
The problem has been solved
You need to enable anchorScrolling in RouterModule.forRoot() like below :-
RouterModule.forRoot({anchorScrolling: true})
And use fragment attribute to assign the fragment like above instead of href.
<a [routerLink]='"."' [fragment]="one">Dashboard</a>
You can read about it here :-
Or :-