I'm used to Joi validation syntax, but right now trying to migrate some code to Yup syntax.
In Joi, I used to do this:
field: Joi.alternatives().try(
This makes the field either a number or a string.
How to achieve that using Yup?
I created a better solution, which works for any number of whatever schema types you pass!
First you define a method called oneOfSchemas
yup.addMethod(yup.MixedSchema, "oneOfSchemas", function (schemas) {
return this.test(
"Not all items in ${path} match one of the allowed schemas",
(item) =>
schemas.some((schema) => schema.isValidSync(item, { strict: true }))
Then you use it as follows:
title: yup
Inspired by https://gist.github.com/cb109/8eda798a4179dc21e46922a5fbb98be6
This is the only way I found, please correct me if I'm wrong or if you have better answers:
field: yup.lazy((val) => (isNaN(val) ? yup.string() : yup.number()))
This however won't work when the alternatives are objects, which I would like to find a solution for.