Search code examples

How do I check and display if multiple checkboxes are checked within a group box in

    For Each ctl As Windows.Forms.Control In Me.Controls
        If TypeOf ctl Is System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox Then
            Dim ck As System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox = ctl
            If ck.Checked Then
                intcheckboxesChecked += 1
            End If
        End If

When I display the count its results to a 0 value


  • If the CheckBoxes are in a GroupBox then you have to use the Controls collection of the GroupBox rather than the form. Also, you can use a LINQ query to flatten your loop into a single statement:

    Dim checkedBoxesCount = myGroupBox.Controls.
                                       OfType(Of CheckBox)().
                                       Count(Function(cb) cb.Checked)