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Displaying Cooldown In Seconds in On_Message in

EDIT: I solved it, I just simply looped the asyncio.sleep and set a variable for the cooldown in seconds. :)

I'm new to and I just started developing a bot.

Most bots like Dank Memer has cooldowns after the on_message events happens. (I don't know if Dank Memer is in or not)

So I want to do the same, but I do not know how to display the cooldown in seconds. (Before you can enter another on_message event)

This is part of my code so far: (This is the cooldown)

import discord,asyncio #and some other modules
cooldown = []

async def on_message(message):
  # Some Code

  await asyncio.sleep(60)

This code works, it doesn't show how many seconds you have before you can enter another command again.

My code is actually pretty long, so I don't want to rewrite it. Is there a way to display how many seconds you have got left if the user enters the same command within the cooldown?


  • Ok, I solve it myself.

    At the start you do:

    cooldown = []
    cooldownSec = 60 # How many seconds
    cooldowntime = 0

    Then, after the events from the on_message:

    for i in range(cooldownSec,-1,-1):
      if i == 0:
      cooldowntime = i

    Put this line of code at the start of the on_message function:

    global cooldowntime

    Then, at the start of a message event happens:

    if message.content.lower().startswith('!test'):
      if in cooldown:
          await message.reply(f'You have to wait for {cooldowntime} more seconds before you can use the commands again!')

    It should work.