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Why binding data does not work with union sql query in C#?

I have a listbox with a union query as datasource :

  public partial class FrmCodes : Form
    SqlConnection Cn = new SqlConnection(@"Server = AMR-PC\SQLEXPRESS ; Database=PlanningDB ; Integrated Security = True");
    SqlDataAdapter da,da2;
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    DataTable dt2 = new DataTable();
    CurrencyManager Cm;
    SqlCommandBuilder Cmdb;
    string prm,SlctType;
    public FrmCodes()
        da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Code,Item,Type FROM Items UNION SELECT ProductCode,Product,Family FROM Products", Cn);
        DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
        ListItems.DataSource = dv;
        ListItems.DisplayMember = "Item";

I am trying to bind data to four textboxes I have in this form based on listbox choice , First i tried the union query directly but keep getting error " Column x doesn’t exist .... " So I used the original two queries seperated Like this :

  private void ListItems_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var Slctd = (DataRowView)ListItems.SelectedItem;
            if (Slctd != null)
                prm = Slctd["Code"].ToString();
                SlctType = Slctd["Type"].ToString();
              // Try to solve two bindings to the same property error 

                if (SlctType == "Material" || SlctType == "Master" || SlctType == "Packing" || SlctType == "Mix")
                    this.txtMaterialType.Visible = true;
                    this.lblMaterialType.Visible = true;
                    this.txtFamily.Visible = false;
                    this.lblFamily.Visible = false;
                        da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Code,Item,Type FROM Items WHERE Code LIKE '%prm%' ", Cn);

                        txtcode.DataBindings.Add("Text", dt2, "Code");
                        txtItem.DataBindings.Add("Text", dt2, "Item");
                        txtMaterialType.DataBindings.Add("Text", dt2, "Type");

                        Cm = (CurrencyManager)this.BindingContext[dt2];
                    catch (SqlException Err)
                        MessageBox.Show("This Error Occured :" + Err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


                    // MessageBox.Show("You Chosed : " + prm + " It Is Product ", "Product");
                    this.txtFamily.Visible = true;
                    this.lblFamily.Visible = true;
                    this.txtMaterialType.Visible = false;
                    this.lblMaterialType.Visible = false;
                        da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ProductCode,Product,Family FROM Products WHERE ProductCode LIKE '%prm%'", Cn);
                        txtcode.DataBindings.Add("Text", dt2, "ProductCode");
                        txtItem.DataBindings.Add("Text", dt2, "Product");
                        txtFamily.DataBindings.Add("Text", dt2, "Family");

                        Cm = (CurrencyManager)this.BindingContext[dt2];
                    catch (SqlException Err)
                        MessageBox.Show("This Error Occured :" + Err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);



                prm = "";


But nothing happens with the textboxes no data appears in the textboxes . If the data appeared I need to edit , add , delete using Currency Manager :

  private void CmdEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Cmdb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da2);
                MessageBox.Show("Edited Successfuly", "Done :)", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            catch (SqlException Err)
                MessageBox.Show("This Error Occured :" + Err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


Sorry for the long post , Thanks in advance .

Edit #1 : When i tried to set the criteria of the sql query to fixed value it works fine and the edit of data works too .

da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT ProductCode,Product,Family FROM Products WHERE ProductCode LIKE '10001'", Cn);

But if the criteria is a variable value or Textbox.Text nothing shows in the textboxes.

Edit #2 : I changed the referring syntax from LIKE '%prm%' to LIKE @prm and added this code :

 da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prm", "%" + Slctd["Code"].ToString() + "%");

And it worked perfectly .


  • After some researching I figured it out , The problem was

    da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Code,Item,Type FROM Items WHERE Code LIKE '%prm%' ", Cn);

    I changed it to :

    da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Code,Item,Type FROM Items WHERE Code LIKE @prm ", Cn);
    da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prm", "%" + Slctd["Code"].ToString() + "%");

    Works great now thanks everyone.