In my dbt model definition, I want to run a config block, but only if the database type is postgresql. Is there a way to do that? Example model below:
post_hook='create index if not exists "{{ }}__idx_on_key" on {{ this }} ("key")'
select * from {{ ref('stg_customer') }}
{{ target.type }}
will compile to the name of the adapter you're using. See docs
You can wrap your hook in an {% if target.type == 'postgres' %}...{% endif %}
block. That will likely get unweildy, so I recommend creating a macro that accepts a relation as an argument:
{% macro create_index_if_pg(relation, field) %}
{% if target.type == 'postgres' %}
create index if not exists "{{ }}__idx_on_{{ field }}" on {{ relation }} ("{{ field }}")
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
and then call the macro from the post-hook:
post_hook='{{ create_index_if_pg(this, "key") }}'