I'm trying to implement a stereo camera calibration app using emgu cv.
My problem is when I try to use CvInvoke.cvRemap to undistort an image the function just hangs. No errors or crashes, it just hangs and I've left it for 2 hours in case it was just being slow. Here's what I'm doing:
So when I get to 7 cvRemap just hangs. I've gotton cvRemap to work capturing from a single camera though so I know the function is working to some degree with my setup.
I've written a class to manage multiple cameras:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.UI;
using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
using Emgu.CV.VideoSurveillance;
namespace Capture2Cams
class camData
public Capture capture;
public Image<Bgr, Byte> lastFrame;
public Image<Gray, Byte> lastFrameGray;
public bool lastChessboardFound;
public PointF[] lastChessboardCorners;
public Image<Gray, Byte>[] samplesGray;
public PointF[][] samplesChessboardCorners;
public Size cbDimensions;
public Size imageDimensions;
public int cursampleIndex = 0;
public ImageList sampleIcons;
private Image<Gray, Byte> _chessBoardDisplay;
private int _iconWidth = 160;
private int _icnonHeight = 90;
private int _numSamples = 0;
public int numSamples()
return _numSamples;
public void numSamples(int val)
_numSamples = val;
this.samplesGray = new Image<Gray, Byte>[val];
this.samplesChessboardCorners = new PointF[val][];
this.sampleIcons.ImageSize = new Size(_iconWidth, _icnonHeight);
Bitmap tmp = new Bitmap(_iconWidth, _icnonHeight);
for (int c = 0; c < _numSamples; c++) this.sampleIcons.Images.Add(tmp);
public camData(int camIndex, int capWidth, int capHeight, int pcbWidth, int pcbHeight, int pNumSamples)
this.sampleIcons = new ImageList();
this.capture = new Capture(camIndex);
this.capture.SetCaptureProperty(CAP_PROP.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, capWidth);
this.capture.SetCaptureProperty(CAP_PROP.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, capHeight);
catch (Exception e)
this.imageDimensions = new Size(capWidth, capHeight);
this.cbDimensions = new Size(pcbWidth, pcbHeight);
public Image<Gray, Byte> captureFrame()
this.lastFrame = this.capture.QueryFrame();
this.lastFrameGray = this.lastFrame.Convert<Gray, Byte>();
return this.lastFrameGray;
public int captureSample()
this.detectChessboard(true); // detectChessboard calls -> captureFrame
if (lastChessboardFound)
this.samplesGray[cursampleIndex] = this.lastFrameGray;
this.samplesChessboardCorners[cursampleIndex] = this.lastChessboardCorners;
this.sampleIcons.Images[this.cursampleIndex] = this.lastFrameGray.ToBitmap(_iconWidth, _icnonHeight);
if (this.cursampleIndex >= _numSamples) this.cursampleIndex = 0;
return cursampleIndex;
public void clearSamples()
this.cursampleIndex = 0;
public Image<Gray, Byte> detectChessboard(bool pDoCapture)
if (pDoCapture) this.captureFrame();
this.lastChessboardFound = CameraCalibration.FindChessboardCorners(this.lastFrameGray, this.cbDimensions, CALIB_CB_TYPE.ADAPTIVE_THRESH | CALIB_CB_TYPE.FILTER_QUADS, out this.lastChessboardCorners);
_chessBoardDisplay = this.lastFrameGray.Clone();
CameraCalibration.DrawChessboardCorners(this._chessBoardDisplay, this.cbDimensions, this.lastChessboardCorners, this.lastChessboardFound);
return this._chessBoardDisplay;
public void saveSampleImages(string pPath, string pID)
for(int ic = 0; ic < this._numSamples; ic++)
this.samplesGray[ic].Save(pPath + pID + ic.ToString() + ".bmp");
public void loadSampleImages(string pPath, string pID)
for (int ic = 0; ic < this._numSamples; ic++)
this.lastFrameGray = new Image<Gray, byte>(new Bitmap(pPath + pID + ic.ToString() + ".bmp"));
this.samplesChessboardCorners[ic] = this.lastChessboardCorners;
this.sampleIcons.Images[ic] = this.lastFrameGray.ToBitmap(_iconWidth, _icnonHeight);
this.samplesGray[ic] = this.lastFrameGray;
And here's my form code with the rest of the calibration logic:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Emgu.CV.Util;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.UI;
using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
using Emgu.CV.VideoSurveillance;
namespace Capture2Cams
public partial class CaptureForm : Form
private static camData camLeft;
private static camData camRight;
private int _numSamples = 10; // Number of calibration samples
private int _imageWidth = 1280; // web cam resolution
private int _imageHeight = 720; // web cam resolution
private int _cbWidth = 9; // chessboard corner count
private int _cbHeight = 5; // chessboard corner count
// TODO: Test post calibration values, these will need to be loaded and saved
private static Matrix<double> _foundamentalMatrix;
private static Matrix<double> _essentialMatrix;
private static IntrinsicCameraParameters _inPramsLeft;
private static IntrinsicCameraParameters _inPramsRight;
private static ExtrinsicCameraParameters _outExtParamsStereo;
private Matrix<float> _mapxLeft;
private Matrix<float> _mapyLeft;
private Matrix<float> _mapxRight;
private Matrix<float> _mapyRight;
public CaptureForm()
void Run()
camLeft = new camData(0, _imageWidth, _imageHeight, _cbWidth, _cbHeight, _numSamples);
camRight = new camData(1, _imageWidth, _imageHeight, _cbWidth, _cbHeight, _numSamples);
this.listViewLeft.LargeImageList = camLeft.sampleIcons;
for (int c = 0; c < _numSamples; c++)
ListViewItem curItem = new ListViewItem();
curItem.ImageIndex = c;
curItem.Text = "Sample" + c.ToString();
this.listViewRight.LargeImageList = camRight.sampleIcons;
for (int c = 0; c < _numSamples; c++)
ListViewItem curItem = new ListViewItem();
curItem.ImageIndex = c;
curItem.Text = "Sample" + c.ToString();
Application.Idle += ProcessFrame;
void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!checkBoxRectify.Checked)
if (this.checkBoxCapCB.Checked)
imageBoxLeft.Image = camLeft.detectChessboard(true);
imageBoxRight.Image = camRight.detectChessboard(true);
imageBoxLeft.Image = camLeft.captureFrame();
imageBoxRight.Image = camRight.captureFrame();
Image<Gray, byte> imgLeft = camLeft.lastFrameGray.Clone();
Image<Gray, byte> imgRight = camRight.lastFrameGray.Clone();
CvInvoke.cvRemap(camLeft.lastFrameGray.Ptr, imgLeft.Ptr, _mapxLeft.Ptr, _mapyLeft.Ptr, (int)INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR | (int)WARP.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, new MCvScalar(0));
CvInvoke.cvRemap(camRight.lastFrameGray.Ptr, imgRight.Ptr, _mapxRight.Ptr, _mapyRight.Ptr, (int)INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR | (int)WARP.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, new MCvScalar(0));
imageBoxLeft.Image = imgLeft;
imageBoxRight.Image = imgRight;
private void buttonCaptureSample_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void buttonStereoCalibrate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// We should have most of the data needed from the sampling with the camData objects
int numCorners = _cbWidth * _cbHeight;
// Calc intrisitcs / camera
_inPramsLeft = new IntrinsicCameraParameters();
_inPramsRight = new IntrinsicCameraParameters();
ExtrinsicCameraParameters[] outExtParamsLeft;
ExtrinsicCameraParameters[] outExtParamsRight;
//Matrix<double> foundamentalMatrix;
//Matrix<double> essentialMatrix;
outExtParamsLeft = new ExtrinsicCameraParameters[_numSamples];
outExtParamsRight = new ExtrinsicCameraParameters[_numSamples];
_outExtParamsStereo = new ExtrinsicCameraParameters();
// Building object points
// These are the points on the cessboard in local 3d coordinates
// Requires one set per sample, if the same calibration object (chessboard) is used for each sample then just use the same set of points for each sample
// Also setting sub pixel analasys on samples
MCvPoint3D32f[][] objectPoints = new MCvPoint3D32f[_numSamples][];
for (int sc = 0; sc < _numSamples; sc++) // Samples count
// indivual cam setup
outExtParamsLeft[sc] = new ExtrinsicCameraParameters();
outExtParamsRight[sc] = new ExtrinsicCameraParameters();
// Sub pixel analasys
camLeft.samplesGray[sc].FindCornerSubPix(new PointF[][] { camLeft.samplesChessboardCorners[sc] }, new Size(10, 10), new Size(-1, -1), new MCvTermCriteria(300, 0.01));
camRight.samplesGray[sc].FindCornerSubPix(new PointF[][] { camRight.samplesChessboardCorners[sc] }, new Size(10, 10), new Size(-1, -1), new MCvTermCriteria(300, 0.01));
// Object points
objectPoints[sc] = new MCvPoint3D32f[numCorners];
for (int cc = 0; cc < numCorners; cc++) // chessboard corners count
objectPoints[sc][cc].x = cc / _cbWidth;
objectPoints[sc][cc].y = cc % _cbWidth;
objectPoints[sc][cc].z = 0.0f;
Size imageSize = new Size(_imageWidth, _imageHeight);
// Indivual cam camibration
CameraCalibration.CalibrateCamera(objectPoints, camLeft.samplesChessboardCorners, imageSize, _inPramsLeft, CALIB_TYPE.DEFAULT, out outExtParamsLeft);
CameraCalibration.CalibrateCamera(objectPoints, camRight.samplesChessboardCorners, imageSize, _inPramsRight, CALIB_TYPE.DEFAULT, out outExtParamsRight);
// Stereo Cam calibration
new MCvTermCriteria(100, 0.001),
out _outExtParamsStereo,
out _foundamentalMatrix,
out _essentialMatrix
private void listViewLeft_ItemSelectionChanged(object sender, ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
private void listViewRight_ItemSelectionChanged(object sender, ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
private void buttonSaveSamples_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
camLeft.saveSampleImages(textBoxSavePath.Text, "left");
camRight.saveSampleImages(textBoxSavePath.Text, "right");
private void buttonLoadSamples_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
camLeft.loadSampleImages(textBoxSavePath.Text, "left");
camRight.loadSampleImages(textBoxSavePath.Text, "right");
private void buttonCapture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void buttonCaptureCurframe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
camLeft.lastFrame.Save(textBoxSavePath.Text + "frameLeft" + ".bmp");
camLeft.lastFrameGray.Save(textBoxSavePath.Text + "frameLeftGray" + ".bmp");
camRight.lastFrame.Save(textBoxSavePath.Text + "frameRight" + ".bmp");
camRight.lastFrameGray.Save(textBoxSavePath.Text + "frameRightGray" + ".bmp");
public void StereoRectify(
IntrinsicCameraParameters intrinsicParam1,
IntrinsicCameraParameters intrinsicParam2,
Size imageSize,
ExtrinsicCameraParameters extrinsicParams,
out Matrix<double> R1,
out Matrix<double> R2,
out Matrix<double> P1,
out Matrix<double> P2,
out Matrix<double> Q,
double alpha,
Size newImageSize,
ref Rectangle validPixROI1,
ref Rectangle validPixROI2
R1 = new Matrix<double>(3, 3);
R2 = new Matrix<double>(3, 3);
P1 = new Matrix<double>(3, 4);
P2 = new Matrix<double>(3, 4);
Q = new Matrix<double>(4, 4);
ref validPixROI1,
ref validPixROI1);
public void InitUndistortRectifyMap(
IntrinsicCameraParameters intrinsicParam,
Matrix<double> R,
Matrix<double> newCameraMatrix,
out Matrix<float> mapx,
out Matrix<float> mapy
mapx = new Matrix<float>(new Size(_imageWidth, _imageHeight));
mapy = new Matrix<float>(new Size(_imageWidth, _imageHeight));
CvInvoke.cvInitUndistortRectifyMap(intrinsicParam.IntrinsicMatrix.Ptr, intrinsicParam.DistortionCoeffs.Ptr, R.Ptr, newCameraMatrix.Ptr, mapx.Ptr, mapy.Ptr);
private void buttonTestCalc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Stereo Rectify images
Matrix<double> R1;
Matrix<double> R2;
Matrix<double> P1;
Matrix<double> P2;
Matrix<double> Q;
Rectangle validPixROI1, validPixROI2;
validPixROI1 = new Rectangle();
validPixROI2 = new Rectangle();
StereoRectify(_inPramsLeft, _inPramsRight, new Size(_imageWidth, _imageHeight), _outExtParamsStereo, out R1, out R2, out P1, out P2, out Q, 0, 0, new Size(_imageWidth, _imageHeight), ref validPixROI1, ref validPixROI2);
//InitUndistortRectifyMap(_inPramsLeft, R1, P1, out _mapxLeft, out _mapyLeft);
//InitUndistortRectifyMap(_inPramsRight, R2, P2, out _mapxRight, out _mapyRight);
_inPramsLeft.InitUndistortMap(_imageWidth, _imageHeight, out _mapxLeft, out _mapyLeft);
_inPramsRight.InitUndistortMap(_imageWidth, _imageHeight, out _mapxRight, out _mapyRight);
Image<Gray, byte> imgLeft = camLeft.lastFrameGray.Clone();
Image<Gray, byte> imgRight = camRight.lastFrameGray.Clone();
// **** THIS IS WHERE IM UP TO, no errors, it just hangs ****
CvInvoke.cvRemap(camLeft.lastFrameGray.Ptr, imgLeft.Ptr, _mapxLeft.Ptr, _mapyLeft.Ptr, (int)INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR | (int)WARP.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, new MCvScalar(0));
// StereoBM stereoSolver = new StereoBM(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.STEREO_BM_TYPE.BASIC, 0);
public void PrintIntrinsic(IntrinsicCameraParameters CamIntrinsic)
// Prints the Intrinsic camera parameters to the command line
Console.WriteLine("Intrinsic Matrix:");
string outStr = "";
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < CamIntrinsic.IntrinsicMatrix.Height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < CamIntrinsic.IntrinsicMatrix.Width; j++)
outStr = outStr + CamIntrinsic.IntrinsicMatrix.Data[i, j].ToString();
outStr = outStr + " ";
outStr = "";
Console.WriteLine("Distortion Coefficients: ");
outStr = "";
for (j = 0; j < CamIntrinsic.DistortionCoeffs.Height; j++)
outStr = outStr + CamIntrinsic.DistortionCoeffs.Data[j, 0].ToString();
outStr = outStr + " ";
public void PrintExtrinsic(ExtrinsicCameraParameters CamExtrinsic)
// Prints the Extrinsic camera parameters to the command line
Console.WriteLine("Extrinsic Matrix:");
string outStr = "";
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < CamExtrinsic.ExtrinsicMatrix.Height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < CamExtrinsic.ExtrinsicMatrix.Width; j++)
outStr = outStr + CamExtrinsic.ExtrinsicMatrix.Data[i, j].ToString();
outStr = outStr + " ";
outStr = "";
Console.WriteLine("Rotation Vector: ");
outStr = "";
for (i = 0; i < CamExtrinsic.RotationVector.Height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < CamExtrinsic.RotationVector.Width; j++)
outStr = outStr + CamExtrinsic.RotationVector.Data[i, j].ToString();
outStr = outStr + " ";
outStr = "";
Console.WriteLine("Translation Vector: ");
outStr = "";
for (i = 0; i < CamExtrinsic.TranslationVector.Height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < CamExtrinsic.TranslationVector.Width; j++)
outStr = outStr + CamExtrinsic.TranslationVector.Data[i, j].ToString();
outStr = outStr + " ";
outStr = "";
Your maps must be images instead of matrices.
Specifically, of "Gray, float" type.