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Different results from the same function when loaded in global environment vs in a package


I am developing a simple package to learn R package development using this tutorial. For this purpose, I wrote a function and then tried it out within the global environment, and then provided it in the package. But I get different results while running the function in these two contexts.


what_time <- function(language = "english") {

  if (!language %in% c("urdu", "english")) {
    stop("Either choose english or urdu as a language.")

  time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M")

  if (language == "urdu") {

    paste(time, "وقت ھوا ہے")

    } else if (language == "english"){

      sprintf("It is %s now!", time)


Running the function in the global environment:

I created the above function definition in R console and then run the function:

[1] "08:47 وقت ھوا ہے"

Running the function after loading the package:

Then I restarted the R session and did the following:

i Loading umair
[1] "08:47 <U+0648><U+0642><U+062A> <U+06BE><U+0648><U+0627> <U+06C1><U+06D2>"

What am I doing wrong?


  • It seems that 'special characters' are not supported in your self-made package. Check the values of Encoding in your package's DESCRIPTION file, and of Sys.getlocale(), Sys.getenv('LANG'), and Sys.getenv('LC_CTYPE') in your R session.

    Which language you have there shouldn't matter much, but it should be a UTF-8 variant.

    I am having no problems to produce the correct output on my own machine with the following settings:

    File 'testpackage/DESCRIPTION'

    Encoding: UTF-8

    R(Studio) session

    > Sys.getlocale()
    [1] "en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8"
    > Sys.getenv('LANG')
    [1] "en_US.UTF-8"
    > Sys.getenv('LC_CTYPE')
    [1] "en_US.UTF-8"

    To modify these settings:

    Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", 'en_EN.UTF-8')
    Sys.setenv("LANG" = "en_EN.UTF-8")
    Sys.setenv("LC_CTYPE" = "en_EN.UTF-8")

    RStudio Preferences

    Preferences > Code > Saving > Default text encoding: UTF-8