What is the most efficient way to convert decimal into base 64 (URL friendly) and back.
My current code,
import numpy as np
a = "-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLM64OPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
A = {k:i for i,k in enumerate(a)}
def dec_url(x:int, n:int=4):
o = []
for i in range(n):
m = x%(64**(i+1))
x -= m
return ''.join(o[::-1])
def url_dec(s: str):
return np.sum(map(lambda i:A.get(i[1])*(64**(i[0])),enumerate(s[::-1])))
There are better methods to encode a variable length integer, so for education purposes only:
from functools import reduce
def dec_url(x:int, n:int=4):
o = []
while x:
x, m = divmod(x, 64)
return ''.join(reversed(o))
def url_dec(s: str):
return reduce((lambda total, char: (total << 6) + A[char]), s, 0)