I created successfully a very basic gh-page on https://makanu.github.io. The Repo just includes a README.md
and the most basic index.html
I could imagine.
My problem is now, that I have a another Repo which includes a gh-pages branch which includes the files created with mkdocs. But for some reason https://makanu.github.io/rainbowdringinggame results in Error 404.
What am I doing wrong?
I found my failure. I didn't recognized the settings sections for pages. Since the Repo was created with cookiecutter I missed a few steps.
The Solution:
branch as sourceThis worked for me and my setup with following cookiecutter-template: enter link description here
Others might need to change anything else, but the entry in the settings was the most important missing step on my side.
I also need to complete this and somehow apologize since I absolute missed the part in the documentation about repo configuration. I hope this might even so help others who struggle with this as I did.