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Combine multiple datasets in a more compact way

Whenever I have several datasets that I want to load and combine into a single dataset, so that I can analyse all of them at the same time, I do something like

for(i in 1:length(dataset_paths))
  data_path <- list.files(path = paste0(here(dataset_paths[i]), "results/analysis/"), pattern = ".*\\.degradation_dynamics\\.csv", full.names = TRUE)
  t_dt <- fread(data_path)
  if(i == 1)
    dt <- t_dt
  dt <- rbind(dt, t_dt)
dt %>% setkey(frame)

This code is quite ugly.

Is there a way to make this code more smaller & more understandable?

For instance by

  • Getting rid of the if condition inside the loop
  • Getting rid of the 1:length(dataset_paths) expression
  • Getting rid of defining a temporary variable t_dt ?


  • I like foreach for this purpose:

    dt <- foreach( path = dataset_paths, .combine='rbind' ) %do% {
      dt_t <- fread(path)