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tmux resizep not working as expected if run in shell command

I'm triyng to setup a tmux session from a bash script, without using any session manager like tmuxinator/tmuxp/...

If I run this code


tmux \
    new '/path/to/a/' \; \
    splitw -v '/path/to/another/program' \; \
    selectp -U \; \
    resizep -y 4 \;

it works, except for one thing: according to man tmux I expect it to resize the top pane to 4 lines but it resizes it to a variable number of lines that depends on the size of the terminal window (it is not necessarily 4 lines and it is not 4% of the window height).

If I remove the resizep line


tmux \
    new '/path/to/a/' \; \
    splitw -v '/path/to/another/program' \; \
    selectp -U \;

and then from inside the session I manually run the :resizep -y 4 tmux command, then it resizes it effectively to 4 lines.

Does anybody know why it happens and what can I do to fix it?

According to man tmux

OS: Arch Linux
WM: dwm (suckless)
Terminal: ts (suckless)
Shell: bash

EDIT: I execute this bash script in a ts/bash shell, so at the moment I execute it, the shell window already exists with its width and height.


  • Ok! Finally I solved it (after almost an year) and it was so simple...

    I just added a name for the session and specified the session name and window number in the resizep command.

    I paste here the code, so maybe it will help someone in the future.

    tmux \
        new '/path/to/a/' \; \
        rename "session_name" \; \
        splitw -v '/path/to/another/' \; \
        selectp -U \; \
        resizep -t "session_name:1" -y 4 \;

    Notice the 1 in the session name. Normally it would be 0 but in my .tmuxrc I have set set -g base-index 1