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How to inherit button type="action" odoo 15

i'm trying to override a button which using type="action".

Original Button:

<button name="%(sale.action_view_sale_advance_payment_inv)d" string="Create Invoice"
    type="action" context="{'default_advance_payment_method': 'percentage'}" data-hotkey="q"
    attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('invoice_status', '!=', 'no'), ('state', '!=', 'sale')]}"/>

I'm trying to inherit it with usual way which is use @name= .. like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <record id="sale_order_view_form_create_contract_button" model="ir.ui.view" style="color:#e8bf6a;">>
        <field name="name">sale_order_view_form_create_contract_button</field>
        <field name="model">sale.order</field>
        <field name="inherit_id" ref="sale.view_order_form"/>
        <field name="priority" eval="100"/>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
            <xpath expr="//button[@name='%(sale.action_view_sale_advance_payment_inv)d']" position="attributes">
                <attribute name="invisible">1</attribute>

Unfortunately, It doesn't seem to work.

Please help, thanks you.


  • I've found the answer:

    It use name as usual:

    <xpath expr="//button[@name='%(sale.action_view_sale_advance_payment_inv)d']" position="attributes">
        <attribute name="invisible">1</attribute>

    But in this view_order_form, odoo have defined 2 button which exactly the same as each other, so i've set index for it to make this work, such as i want to remove 2nd button, then i must add [2] to it, so it will look like this:

    <!-- remove 2nd button "Create Invoice" in view_order_form -->
    <xpath expr="//button[@name='%(sale.action_view_sale_advance_payment_inv)d'][2]" position="attributes">
        <attribute name="invisible">1</attribute>

    Thanks you all for reading.