So I am making a simple restaurant bill splitting app and I have a button that I want to highlight when the user clicks on it. I also want the other buttons to be not highlighted. In UIKit it would be simple to do this using sender.currentTitle.
Here is my code for the button
struct TipButton: View, Identifiable {
var id: Int
var tipPercentage: String
@State var didTap: Bool = false
@State var buttonLetter: String
@State var zeroPctButton: Bool = false
@State var tenPctButton: Bool = false
@State var twentyPctButton: Bool = false
var body: some View {
Button {
print("Tip is... \(Float(tipPercentage) ?? 7.7)")
if buttonLetter == "A" {
zeroPctButton = true
tenPctButton = false
twentyPctButton = false
else if buttonLetter == "B" {
didTap = true
} label: {
.background(didTap ? : Color.clear)
So far I've been playing around with it and adding different things like Identifiable and @State variables for the percentage amounts but can't figure this out.
In my main file I would have the view built along with these buttons like
struct ButtonsView: View {
var body: some View {
//blah blah
//some UI arranging code
TipButton(id: 1, tipPercentage: "0", buttonLetter: "A")
TipButton(id: 2, tipPercentage: "10", buttonLetter: "B")
TipButton(id: 3, tipPercentage: "20", buttonLetter: "C")
As you can see, I've tried id
and buttonLetter
In short, I want to click on button A, have it highlight, then when I click button B, it highlights and button A is no longer highlighted
In order to do this, you'd want to move the @State
from your child view into the parent view. Then, you can share it with the child view's through a Binding
In this example, I have one @State
variable that stores which id
is highlighted. When a button is pressed, it simply updates the value.
struct TipButton: View, Identifiable {
var id: Int
var tipPercentage: String
@Binding var highlightedID : Int
var body: some View {
Button {
highlightedID = id
print("Tip is... \(Float(tipPercentage) ?? 7.7)")
} label: {
.background(id == highlightedID ? : Color.clear)
struct ButtonsView: View {
@State private var highlightedID : Int = 3
var body: some View {
TipButton(id: 1, tipPercentage: "0", highlightedID: $highlightedID)
TipButton(id: 2, tipPercentage: "10", highlightedID: $highlightedID)
TipButton(id: 3, tipPercentage: "20", highlightedID: $highlightedID)