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Select Paired Row, Col Pandas Values

I'm sure this is easy but finding or discovering the answer is not! I'm trying to select paired values from a df (5,5) size of rows and columns that represent latitude (rows: 5,10,15,etc) and longitude (cols: -98,-97,-96, etc). Suppose my df looks like this:


  lat -98 -97 -96 -95 -94
0   5   6   7   8   9  10
1  10  11  12  13  14  15
2  15  16  17  18  19  20
3  20  21  22  23  24  25
4  25  26  27  28  29  30

To get the extracted pair iterating by single row and single col, I need the following:

0   6
1   12 
2   18
3   24
4   30

I've tried things like this below and different types of loops too numerous to show here:


but this gives me all the rows and all the columns and I just need the single paired value. thank you,


  • IIUC, you could use numpy.diag:

    import numpy as np
    out = pd.Series(np.diag(df.drop(columns='lat')), index=df.index)


    0     6
    1    12
    2    18
    3    24
    4    30

    If you want a lat-long pair, then maybe:

    out = pd.DataFrame({'lat': df['lat'], 'long': np.diag(df.drop(columns='lat'))})


       lat  long
    0    5     6
    1   10    12
    2   15    18
    3   20    24
    4   25    30