I have the following overpass turbo query:
out center;
You can run it here: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1hmp
The problem is that it only returns the first node, so the tourism="museum|gallery" in this case, but not the amenity="cafe|bar".
I based my query on this answer, where both nodes get returned(!!!): Find multiple tags around coordinates with Overpass API
node["tourism"~"museum|gallery"](around:500,53.866444, 10.684738);
node["amenity"~"cafe|bar"](around:500,53.866444, 10.684738);
out center;
You can run this original one here: https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1hml
Except that I changed the 'around' to the area of name="Zagreb". And this clearly works (although just for one of the nodes).
Does anyone have any ideas how to get both nodes (tourism="museum|gallery" and amenity="cafe|bar") to work within an area?
Thanks so much! Lovro
You need to store the area in a named inputset (below it's named ".myarea"), otherwise the result of the first node statement would overwrite the area in the default inputset (called ._), and would no longer be available for the second node query.
out center;
Quite a frequent issue by the way, and I'm sure there are several other post that already deal with this error.