I have a column of strings that look similar to the following:
1 IX-1-a
2 IX-1-b
3 IX-1-C
4 IX-1-D
Some end in lowercase letters while others end in uppercase. I need to standardize all endings to lowercase without affecting the letters at the beginning of the string. Below is some code fragment that I am working with to make changes within the series but it doesn't quite work.
if i in tw4515['Unnamed: 0'].str[-1].str.isupper() == True:
tw4515['Unnamed: 0'].str[-1].str.lower()
How can the truth table from tw4515['Unnamed: 0'].str[-1].str.isupper()
be utilized efficiently to affect conditional changes?
One option is to split once from the right side, make the second part lowercase, then combine:
tmp = s.str.rsplit('-', 1)
out = tmp.str[0] + '-' + tmp.str[1].str.lower()
If the last part is always a single letter, @Barmar's solution is even better:
out = s.str[:-1] + s.str[-1].str.lower()
1 IX-1-a
2 IX-1-b
3 IX-1-c
4 IX-1-d