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How to manage image paths in DOMpdf in laravel 9

Since I updated to Laravel 9 the images in PDFs doesn't get found anymore. Is there any trick with the image source path in Laravel 9? Till now it worked with storage_path() in the pdf's blades.

I use the package Barryvdh\DomPDF

Do anybody know, how to solve that issue?

Thank you very much


  • I found a way to solve this problem independently from the package: For the image source I defined a route outside of any middleware and defined a ResourceController which is returning the path. When you have several tables with image data, you have to define a route for each single table!

    I could combine it easely with an authority check inside the Controller...


    <img src="{{ route('routename', [var1, var2]) }}">


    Route::get('pathtoimages/{var1}/{var2}', 'ResourceController@getAuthorizedImage')->name('routename');


    public function getAuthorizedImage($var1, $var2, Request $request) 
        // any checks...
        $resource = ObjectImage::find($var2);
        return response()->file(Storage::path($resource->path));
        //image path saved in table column "path"

    That's the way it works.

    Stay healthy and peaceful
