I'm having an object in my viewmodel which consists of an Id and some other attributes. my equality check contains the check on Id, so I can identify items in lists when refreshing.
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) return false;
return Equals(obj as Class);
public bool Equals(Class other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return this.Id.Equals(other.Id);
Now when I'm on a detailPage which is only having one item, I want to manually refresh that item from the database. When doing my refresh the Id obviously does not change, but the remaining attributes can. Now the problem I have is that the Propertychanged is not triggered when item is identical(based on id).
Class refreshedItem = await Task.Run(() => backendConnection.GetSchedule(scheduleId, DTOType.Maxi, BackEndSettings.Default.SystemOfMeasurement));
Item = refreshedItem;
If I set the Item to a dummy item in between it is triggered every time.
Class refreshedItem = await Task.Run(() => backendConnection.GetSchedule(scheduleId, DTOType.Maxi, BackEndSettings.Default.SystemOfMeasurement));
Item = new Class(Guid.Empty) { Title = "test" };
Item = refreshedItem;
Looking at Github Fody Properties Overview, the (default) code that is injected in Item setter is equivalent to
if (value != item)
It only fires when not equal.
The documentation for Fody Properties says to use Attributes to control its behavior. For what you want, use DoNotCheckEqualityAttribute.