I have been using Google Ad Mob for almost three months without any problem, and then all of a sudden my app gets suspended because Google Ad Mob says that my app has the following problems:
The second and the third one I do not understand how I can have no problem for three months, and then receive this layout problem without having changed anything as far as item positioning is concerned. But the thing that I cannot understand in any way is the first one. My app is a little game in which you choose a billionaire, and you try to spend all of his money within this fake e-commerce. It's a way to get a grasp and understand how much "hundreds of billions of dollars" actually are. So I truly don't understand where the derogatory or dangerous content might be. The ads are on top of the ContentView as such:
struct ContentView : View {
var body : some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
// Elements
VStack {
For months this exact code has been working fine, and suddenly I received those warnings in my Google Ad Mob profile. What might be the reason for this? I tried writing on the community section within Google Ad Mob, but I only receive replies that link me to the same pages I see within my Ad Mob profile, without any explanation. And I cannot contact them via email, because when I fill in the information in the contact section, the only option that is available for me is “community”.
UPDATE - SOLVED: I have uploaded a new version of the app in which I changed nothing, just the build and the version numbers, asked Google to check my new submission, and everything was fine. I received an email saying that they checked my app and saying "We have reviewed your app and found no policy violations". I still have no idea why that happened, since I changed nothing in the new version.