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Need help converting text to time in duration format on Google Sheets

Asking for some help here, im trying to convert text to time in duration format on Google Sheets, i´ve used some basic fuctions to to breakdown text (with delimiters as d (days) h (hour) m(minute) and s(second) into values that were then baked into a time function, however for outputs over 24 hours I was unable to get it to format properly i.e. in the image below 375 hrs should show 375:00:00 or [H]:mm:ss

Any ideas here?

Sharing the doc

enter image description here


  • try:

    =FLATTEN(INDEX(QUERY(, "select  "&TEXTJOIN(",", 1, 
     "d", "*86400"), "h", "*3600"), "m", "*60"), "s", "*1"), " ", "+")))/86400, 2))

    enter image description here


    improved version:

    =INDEX(IFERROR(1/(1/BYROW(B3:B15, LAMBDA(i, LET(x, "(\d+)\s*", SUM(IFERROR(
     REGEXEXTRACT(i, x&{"d"; "h"; "m"; "s"}), 0)*{86400; 3600; 60; 1})/86400))))))

    enter image description here

    enter image description here