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When sending ether to another contract it sends it to the contract?

I try to send ether from one address to another. But in the transaction the receiver seems to be the contract address. My goal is to send from address 1 to address 2:

address1:0xDb7c83d499787E6b7660C961F8a9999E3C395AdE address2:0x9199D9323b25BA171De6b9189201Bb322Ba12274


But the receiver in the transaction appears to be the contract:


function sendMoney() public payable {

address payable seller = payable(0x9199D9323b25BA171De6b9189201Bb322Ba12274);

seller.transfer(msg.value); }


  • When you're invoking the sendMoney() function, you're sending a transaction to the contract that implements this function.

    The seller.transfer(msg.value); is an internal transaction - a part of the main transaction.