CONTEXT: I would like to create a custom annotation in Spring Boot and add extra logic for processing. I give an example with rather simplistic annotation but I want to have several of such annotations with more fine-grained control.
There are several approaches to this issue:
I have to move with the latest one as two above don't work with my use-case.
I have a custom annotation in Kotlin and I want it to be registered and be checked in the runtime.
annotation class OfflineProcessing(val allow: Bool)
REST controller is below:
class ApiController {
fun apiVersion(): String {
return "0.1.0"
The idea is to have annotation per method and make conditional logic based on OflineProcessing
allowed or not.
I have tried creating elementary PostBeanProcessor
class OfflineProcessingAnnotationProcessor @Autowired constructor(
val configurableBeanFactory: ConfigurableListableBeanFactory
) : BeanPostProcessor {
override fun postProcessBeforeInitialization(bean: Any, beanName: String): Any? {
println("Before processor. Bean name: $beanName, Bean: $bean. Bean factory: $configurableBeanFactory.")
return super.postProcessBeforeInitialization(bean, beanName)
override fun postProcessAfterInitialization(bean: Any, beanName: String): Any? {
println("After processor. Bean name: $beanName, Bean: $bean. Bean factory: $configurableBeanFactory.")
return super.postProcessAfterInitialization(bean, beanName)
Apparently, annotation doesn't get logged among other annotations in BeanPostProcessor and I confused how to access it, so far I didn't find any other good examples without BeanPostProcessor.
Is there anything I do wrong? Or do I trying to use wrong method for the task?
This is a general question and not specific to Kotlin.
I think the misconception in your attempt to solve this is the fact that you are relaying on BeanPostProcessors. The bean is created in an early stage and it’s probably a singleton so it will not be called when you execute a rest request. This means that you will need to check for a bean that has your annotation and then somehow create a proxy bean over them with your logic embedded in that proxy.
This is very similar to what AOP does and then @eol’s approach is match easter.
I would like to suggest using an interceptor but not a bean creation interceptor.
My answer was inspired by Spring Boot Adding Http Request Interceptors
Define the annotation
annotation class OfflineProcessing(val allow: Boolean)
Define the interceptor
class CustomRestAnnotationInterceptor:HandlerInterceptor {
private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass)
override fun preHandle(request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse, handler: Any): Boolean {
if (handler is HandlerMethod) {
var isOffline: OfflineProcessing? = handler.getMethodAnnotation(
if (null == isOffline) {
isOffline = handler.method.declaringClass
if (null != isOffline) {"method called has OfflineProcessing annotation with allow=${isOffline.allow}" )
return true
Add the interceptor to the path
class WebConfig : WebMvcConfigurer {
lateinit var customRestAnnotationInterceptor: CustomRestAnnotationInterceptor
override fun addInterceptors(registry: InterceptorRegistry) {
// Custom interceptor, add intercept path and exclude intercept path
Use the annotation on your controller
the log will display
2022-04-14 08:48:58.785 INFO 32595 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] .h.s.k.q.CustomRestAnnotationInterceptor : method called has OfflineProcessing annotation with allow=true