I want to show different view for different blood groups.
let categories = ["A+", "B+", "AB+", "O+", "A-", "B-", "AB-", "O-"]
let onSelectedCategory: (String) -> ()
@State private var selectedCategory: String = ""
var body: some View {
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
HStack {
ForEach(categories, id: \.self) { category in
Button(action: {
selectedCategory = category
//Here I want to go different view for each blood group,
//like APositiveView(), BPositiveView...
}, label: {
.foregroundColor(selectedCategory == category ? Color.white: Color(#colorLiteral(red: 0.204610765, green: 0.2861392498, blue: 0.3685011268, alpha: 1)))
.background(selectedCategory == category ? Color(#colorLiteral(red: 0.4982050061, green: 0.5490344763, blue: 0.5528618097, alpha: 1)): Color(#colorLiteral(red: 0.9254772663, green: 0.9412199855, blue: 0.9449794888, alpha: 1)))
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10.0, style: /*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/.continuous/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/))
After selecting any blood group it should shows different views for each different blood group like APositiveView(), BPositiveView()
Use an if
statement within your HStack
to display the correct view based on the value of selectedCategory
HStack {
if selectedCategory == "A+" {
} else if selectedCategory == "B+" {
} else if ...
ForEach(categories, id: \.self) { category in
// ...
Though a better way to approach this would be to have a single view that displays such categorical information:
struct CategoryView: View {
@Binding var category: String
var body: some View {
// Display based on the value of category
HStack {
CategoryView(category: $selectedCategory)
ForEach(categories, id: \.self) { category in
// ...