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How to get Custom Log tables from Azure Log Analytics Workspace through PowerShell script?

I am looking for a way to get all custom log tables from an Azure log analytics workspace through PowerShell code.

Below is an example of three custom log tables of which I would like to see the names in an object (array/list/...).

enter image description here

I am able to create a custom log table, insert and check data in it, but I am not able to upfront check if the table already exists, before I query on it.

I am using the Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery PowerShell cmdlet to query on the custom log table, but this fails if the log does not exist yet. Hence the question.

Thanks for your input.


    • I have created sample custom log tables

    enter image description here

    and executed the below command

    Get-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource -Kind CustomLog -ResourceGroupName RGName -WorkspaceName LogAnalyticsWorkSpaceName

    enter image description here

    Get-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource - Gets datasources under Azure Log Analytics workspace.