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Locale specific lowercase/uppercase string manipulation in JavaScript

How can we entertain locale specific strings/character uppercase and lowercase manipulations in JavaScript? Like for example, Java provides java.lang.Character class for locale specific manipulations and the some of the methods are as follows:

  • toUpperCase(char ch) --> converts a unicode character to uppercase

  • toLowerCase(char ch) --> converts a unicode character to lowercase

    (the language specific uppercase/lowercase is handled automatically)


  • isUpperCase(char ch)
  • isLowerCase(char ch)

are also available.

The coding example is as follows:

    /*This is a greek character*/
    System.out.println("Is Character = "+ Character.isLetter(ch));
    System.out.println("Is Digit = " + Character.isDigit(ch));
    System.out.println("Upper case = " + Character.toUpperCase(ch));

Its output is as follows:

    Is Character = true
    Is Digit = false
    Upper case = Δ

See, the uppercase character is entirely different from the lowercase character. Now, if we want this functionality in JavaScript, do we any way?

Thank you in anticipation


  • Hmm, following works like a charm in javascript (tested in Firebug console in Firefox 6):

    ch='\u03B4'; // δ
    ch_up = ch.toUpperCase() //ch_up is now: "Δ"
    ch_down = ch_up.toLowerCase() // ch_down is now "δ"