I’m following the Recording Facial Animation from an iPhone X tutorial with Unreal Engine 4 and capturing and presenting my face movement successfully.
But when my face is out of the camera, the pose in the editor will stuck in the last frame.
How could I detect the lost of live animation data so to play a prerecorded animation?
I have figured it out. Just use ILiveLinkClient::IsSubjectValid(SubjectName);
method from the LiveLinkPlugin
source in c++ or export it to Blueprint:
class DAZTOUE4_API UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary :
public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MyVirtualCharacter")
static bool IsLiveLinkSubjectValid(const FLiveLinkSubjectName SubjectName);
bool UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary::IsLiveLinkSubjectValid(const FLiveLinkSubjectName SubjectName)
IModularFeatures& ModularFeatures = IModularFeatures::Get();
if (ModularFeatures.IsModularFeatureAvailable(ILiveLinkClient::ModularFeatureName))
ILiveLinkClient& LiveLinkClient = ModularFeatures.GetModularFeature<ILiveLinkClient>(ILiveLinkClient::ModularFeatureName);
return LiveLinkClient.IsSubjectValid(SubjectName);
return false;