So far I am able to achieve this using the following code, however I feel there should be a better way of doing this. reference
Problem statement:
Sample Table from excel file
DeviceName | DeviceIPaddress |
router1121 | |
router1122 | |
router1131 | |
router1132 | |
Sample Table converted to Dictionary
{0: {'DeviceName': 'router1121', 'DeviceIPaddress': ''}, 1: {'DeviceName': 'router1122', 'DeviceIPaddress': ''}, 2: {'DeviceName': 'router1131', 'DeviceIPaddress': ''}, 3: {'DeviceName': 'router1132', 'DeviceIPaddress': ''}}
Working code that needs optimization and simplification
import multiprocessing
import paramiko
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import stdiomask
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
def connect_device(admin_username, admin_password, devicename, ipaddress):
print(f"Trying to connect to {devicename}")
ssh.connect(hostname=ipaddress, port=22, allow_agent=False, username=admin_username, password=admin_password)
print(f"Connection established to {devicename}")
command = "show interface description | i Gi1/0/23"
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
out = stdout.read()
return devicename, out
if __name__ == '__main__':
df = exceltodataframe('Deviceinfo.xlsx', 'Devicedetails')
# create dictionaries from the dataframes
dfdict = df.T.to_dict()
mylist = list(dfdict.items())
admin_username = input("Enter the username: ")
admin_password = stdiomask.getpass("Enter the password: ")
def_dct_all = defaultdict(dict)
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
results = [executor.submit(connect_device, admin_username, admin_password, mylist[idx][1]['DeviceName'], mylist[idx][1]['DeviceIPaddress']) for idx, n in enumerate(mylist)]
for index, f in enumerate(concurrent.futures.as_completed(results)):
def_dct_all[index]['DeviceName'] = f.result()[0]
def_dct_all[index]['Description'] = f.result()[1]
df = pd.DataFrame(def_dct_all).T
I was able to find another better way to achieve the objective by using Pool class of multiprocessing.
import multiprocessing
import paramiko
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import stdiomask
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
def connect_device(admin_username, admin_password, devicename, ipaddress):
devicename = mylist[1]['DeviceName']
ipaddress = mylist[1]['DeviceIPaddress']
print(f"Trying to connect to {devicename}")
ssh.connect(hostname=ipaddress, port=22, allow_agent=False, username=admin_username, password=admin_password)
print(f"Connection established to {devicename}")
command = "show interface description | i Gi1/0/23"
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
out = stdout.read()
return devicename, out
if __name__ == '__main__':
df = exceltodataframe('Deviceinfo.xlsx', 'Devicedetails')
# create dictionaries from the dataframes
dfdict = df.T.to_dict()
mylist = list(dfdict.items())
admin_username = input("Enter the username: ")
admin_password = stdiomask.getpass("Enter the password: ")
p = multiprocessing.Pool()
result = p.map(connect_device, mylist)
def_dct_all = defaultdict(dict)
for r in range(len(result)):
def_dct_all[r]['DeviceName'] = result[r][0]
def_dct_all[r]['Description'] = result[r][1].decode("utf-8").rstrip()
resultdf = pd.DataFrame(def_dct_all).T