I want to automatically test if the string contains only one type of character, with the result in a true/false variable "check"
input str11 contactno
my attempt
gen check = .
//loop through dataset
local db =_N
forval x = 1/`db'{
dis as error "obs `x'"
//get first character in string
local f = substr(contactno, 1, 1) in `x'
//loop through each character in string
capture drop check_*
forvalues i = 1/11 {
quietly gen check_`i'=.
local j = substr(contactno, `i', 1) in `x'
//Tag characters that match
if "`j'" == "`f'" {
local y = 1
replace check_`i'= 1 in `x'
else {
local y= 0
replace check_`i'= 0 in `x'
Expected results the first two observations should be true and the third false.
You can achieve this in one line of code as follows:
and replace with an empty string (i.e., "").gen check = missing(subinstr(contactno,substr(contactno,1,1),"",.))
| contactno check |
1. | aaaaaaaaaaa 1 |
2. | bbbbbbbbbbb 1 |
3. | aaaaaaaaaab 0 |
So we are leveraging the fact that if all characters are not equal to the first character, then the string cannot contain only one (type of) character.