I would like to send a POST request to an OData v4 ActionImport. How can I achieve this in an SAPUI5 environment? I had a look at the v4 ODataModel and ODataContextBinding. There are methods for execute an ActionImport but i dont know how to set the body then.
Generally asking: How should I submit OData requests that should not necessarily be bound to the UI? For example, if I just want to query a value from the backend or send a file to the backend. Right now, I create an ODataContextBinding and call the execute/requestObject method but i think that this might not be the best approach (Also i cant set the request body this way). Maybe it might be better to make a direct ajax request?
Thanks in advance!
I stumbled on your question because I had the exact same problem. I'm providing my solution in case it helps someone else.
onValidate: function(oEvent) {
var oModel = this.getModel("reportService");
var oActivityCreateContext = this.getCreateContext();
var oActionODataContextBinding = oModel.bindContext("/validateActivity(...)");
oActionODataContextBinding.setParameter("activity", oActivityCreateContext.getObject())
function() {
var oActionContext = oActionODataContextBinding.getBoundContext();
The model "reportService" is a sap.ui.model.odata.v4.ODataModel. The function call is unbound and is declared this way in my service.cds file:
action validateActivity(activity : Activities) returns many rm.ValidationMessage;
The oActionContext.getObject().value contains the response to my function call.
The key here is the setParameter that sets the activity on the payload. Here's what the resulting request could look like:
POST http://localhost:8080/api/ReportService/validateActivity
Content-Type: application/json
{"activity": {
"activityNumber": 1,
"report_ID": "a3558fce-76bc-49a9-ae23-bd5566fb3bc6",
"job_code": "160",
"learningPeriod": 1,
"salaryAnnex": "D3",
"workingRegion_code": "08",
"unionName": "CSD",
"local": "Local 123",
"nbWeeksWorked": 8,
"nbHourSimple": 110,
"nbHourTimeAndHalf": 5,
"nbHourDouble": 0,
"sin": "111222333",
I hope this will help others who are struggling to do this.