I recorded my domain through AWS
In my organization account, there is an hosted zone for "mydomain.com"
In my Q&A account, I created an hosted zone for "test.mydomain.com"
I copied the 4 NS rules generated in domain hosted zone (mydomain.com)
In mydomain.com HZ
NAME: test.mydomain.com
VALUE: ns-xxxx.awsdns-xx.org.
My problem starts here
I want to create an SSL certificate through ACM in my Q&A account (for test.mydomain.com)
My certificate looks like
In test.mydomain.com HZ
DOMAIN: test.mydomain.com
NAME: _xxxxx.test.mydomain.com.
VALUE: _xxxxx.yyyyy.acm-validations.aws.
DOMAIN: *.test.mydomain.com
NAME: _xxxxx.test.mydomain.com.
VALUE: _xxxxx.yyyyy.acm-validations.aws.
I used the AWS option "Create records in R53"
Which has created records in R53 (in test.mydomain.com), I double-checked records and their are correctly generated.
24 hours later, still no propagation and I'm stuck there, not understanding what is going wrong
First edit after @jordanm commentary
http _xxxxx.test.mydomain.com The remote name could not be resolved: '_xxxxx.test.mydomain.com' (http://_xxxxx.test.mydomain.com)
dns _xxxxx.test.mydomain.com DNS Record not found
spf _xxxxx.test.mydomain.com No SPF Record found
mx _xxxxx.test.mydomain.com DNS Record not found
I still do not understand why my rule is not propagating. No problem is reported (except mx) for test.mydomain.com
Thank you for your time :)
So, as mentionned in the comments, AWS does affect a default NS to your domain.
One should update NS of registered domain (here mydomain.com) to hosted zone's NS rules values. :)
Hope this helps