I recently got this problem. In this, I have to make text facing camera always and I figured out one solution which is working for me. The only issue is that text is a little bit inclined downward. So, please help me with this.
This is the issue I'm facing. Text is inclined.
AFRAME.registerComponent("nametag-rotation", {
schema: {
target: { type: "selector", default: "[camera]" },
init: function () {
this.rotationComponent = new THREE.Euler();
this.Quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
this.nametag = document.querySelector("#player-name");
tick: function () {
this.nametag.object3D.rotation.y = Math.atan2(0, 0);
AFRAME.registerComponent("nametag-rotation", {
schema: {
target: { type: "selector", default: "[camera]" },
init: function () {
this.worldPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
this.ourWorlPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
tick: function () {
if (!this.data.target) return;
this.worldPosition.y = this.ourWorlPosition.y;
Place this component inside your name tag entity of html (not inside the reference id)